Make a Donation to the GMF

Make a Donation to the George Maier Fund

Donations of cash or goods with convertible value can be immediately accepted. Please send donations directly to Jack Heller, 14212 Trailtop Drive, Chesterfield, MO. 63017. Make checks payable to the George Maier Fund.

Organizational information: originally a committee of the American Killifish Association, the George Maier Fund has recently been re-established as a separate tax exempt public charity, IRS code 501(c)(3). The A.K.A. is designated as an organization with a special relationship with the Fund wherein we operate in a coordinated manner with respect to certain facilities, programs or other activities. As such, the A.K.A. can provide assistance in all aspects of the fund’s activities and will continue to actively solicit funds and facilitate donations through this website.

Legal information: IRS EIN: 80-0531667.IRS Document location number: 17053243357000. Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. George Maier Fund: Registration #: CH33046 Expiration: Date: September 3, 2011. A copy of the official registration and financial information may be obtained from the Division of Consumer Services by calling toll-free (800-435-7352) within the state. Registration does not imply endorsement, approval, or recommendation by the state.