Killi Award Program

Charter of the KAP – 2006

I. Purpose: The American Killifish Association (AKA) has established an award program within the AKA to promote individual effort in the breeding of killifish, Cyprinodontidae. To recognize individual efforts, minimum requirements for specific levels of accomplishments are attained.

II. Qualifications: To participate in the KAP an individual must:

A. be a current AKA member is good standing
B. be able to abide by the KAP rules

III. KAP Chairman: The chairman of the AKA, with the advice and consent of the BOT, will establish the position of “KAP Chairman”. The chairman will be responsible for the operation and administration of the program, including the following:

A. provide requested information about the KAP
B. Receive and process verifications
C. Issue recognition awards
D. submit, for the purpose of being published, names and membership numbers of those who attain any of the following goals:

1. Specialty Breeder (SP)
2. Intermediate Breeder (IB)
3. Advanced Breeder (AB)
4. Expert Breeder (EB)
5. Master Breeder (MB)
6. Distinguished Breeder (DB)

E. maintain accounting of all accumulated points in a neat, business-like manner
F. design, or cause to be designed, any forms, recognition and verification deemed appropriate
G. See that all necessary forms be printed

IV. Level Requirements

The following points will be the requirements for each level:

Novice Breeder (NB)
A. Must meet qualifications as set forth in Article II
B. Breeding points 100
Intermediate Breeder (IB)
A. Must have obtained NB
B. Additional breeding points, from two separate classes
C. Breeding points 100
Advanced Breeder (AB)
A. Must have attained IB
B. Additional breeding points, from three separate classes
C. Breeding points 140
Expert Breeder (EB)
A. Must have attained AB
B. Additional breeding points, from three separate classes
C. Breeding points, 200
Master Breeder (MB)
A. Must have attained EB
B. Additional breeding points, from five separate classes
C. Breeding points 260
Distinguished Breeder (DB)
A. Must have attained MB
B. Additional breeding points, from six separate classes
C. Breeding points 400
Specialty Breeder (SB)
A. Must have attained IB
B. Breeding points must total 250 points in any one class

Cumulative: 100
Cumulative 200
Cumulative 340
Cumulative 540
Cumulative 800
Cumulative 1200

V. Points and Verification Requirements: The following points and verification are established for breeding classes:

New World non-annuals (except Rivulus)
New World annuals
(as formerly known)
Epiplatys, Pseudoepiplatys, and Aphyoplatys
All other Africans

Each species bred and verified will be awarded ten (10) points toward the cumulative point total, with the following exceptions:

1. Breeding of a locality, strain, or other color morph will be awarded five (5) points for each additional strain or color morph bred and awarded; e.g. Aphyosemion australe chocolate, 10 points, then Aphyosemion australe orange would be awarded 5 points.
2. Blue Gularis (
Fundulopanchax sjoestedti) will be awarded 15 points.

VI. Verification: To be eligible for verification ten (10) sexable fry, of which three (3) must be males (excluding hermaphroditic species), must be verified by observation. Verification can be obtained in either of the following ways:

1. Written verification can be sent to the KAP chairman via designated form (available online in PDF format), promulgated by the KAP chairman, and signed by either of the following:
A. Another AKA member
B. Local killie club member
C. Local aquarium society member
2. Verification form obtained from the KAP chairman, which must contain the following information:\
A. Species name (age, if known)
B. Tank size
C. Water conditions (optional)
1. Temperature
2. pH
3. Hardness
D. Spawning medium used
E. Incubation period
1. Days to hatch
2. Storage temperature
F. Lighting
G. Bottom covering (if any)
H. Foods fed to:
1. Adults
2. Fry
I . Any special notes desired (optional)
J. Rating, 1-10), rated by the breeder

VII. Recognition Awards: The AKA member will receive the following recognition awards for obtaining the minimum requirements for each particular level of accomplishment:

Novice Breeder
1. Certificate of Recognition
Intermediate Breeder
1. Certificate of Recognition
2. Name published in the BNL
Advanced Breeder
1. Certificate of Recognition
2. Name published in the BNL
3. Use of the initials AB in all AKA correspondence (e.g. Fish and Egg Listing)
Expert Breeder
1. Certificate of Recognition
2. Name published in the BNL
3. Use of the initials EB in all AKA correspondence (e.g. Fish and Egg Listing)
4. Listing in the AKA Roster as EB
Master Breeder
1. Certificate of Recognition
2. Name published in the BNL
3. Use of the initials MB in all AKA correspondence (e.g. Fish and Egg Listing)
4. Listing in the AKA Roster as MB
5. Certificate of Merit from the AKA BOT
6. Engraved trophy or plaque
Distinguished Breeder
1. Certificate of Recognition
2. Name published in the BNL
3. Use of the initials MB in all AKA correspondence (e.g. Fish and Egg Listing)
4. Listing in the AKA Roster as DB
5. Certificate of Merit from the AKA BOT
6. Engraved trophy or plaque
7. Publicity in the aquarium publications
Specialty Breeder
1. Certificate of Recognition, with specialty noted

The BOT reserves the right to add, delete, or change in any manner the above awards with a simple majority vote, with any changes being published and dispersed to the KAP chairman.

VIII. Amendments: Amendments to this program may be made by a vote of the BOT in accordance with he existing AKA Charter and By-laws.

For further information please contact the KAP chairman,