New AKA Membership Renewal Options

We are offering, for a limited time, the World of Killies Book IV and the AKA publication Pike Like Killies (African Epiplaty’s) for our renewing member’s.  The World of Killies Book IV is offered for a cost of 22.00/US, and Pike Like Killies is offered for 10.00/US  including shipping. Canadian and International offering costs are proportionally higher depending on end destination. 

 Full descriptions of these publications may be found in the AKA “on-line-store” accessible from our website homepage.  Please consider a purchase with this year’s renewal.

Respectfully Submitted, Jim Langan, AKA Webmaster

Significant website contributions by members

Recently a number of AKA Member’s have uploaded significant contributions to the AKA Member Photo Gallery.  AKA members contributing are: Tony Terceira, Kris Haggblom, Paul Bollinger and Jim Langan.  All contributions are high quality pictures, totaling more than 200+ photos of unusual and rare Killifish.  There are more than 14 Killi genus’ represented in these collections spanning 40+ years of wild Killi collecting, killi keeping, killi taxonomy, and past key JAKA photos.

Please  log into the member area of our Website to browse what species our fellow AKA member’s are raising and distributing.  We have more photos coming soon, including more species, photos of past AKA conventions.  In the near future we will support short videos supplied by our membership.  All AKA member’s are welcome to create and share albums of their fish-rooms in our member gallery.

If you have any high quality photos from past AKA conventions please let me know, it is a goal to create Photo Galleries from these events.

Respectfully submitted,  JP Langan, AKA Webmaster

Seeking AKA Annual Convention Photos

We are seeking…

  • Still photographs from any and all past AKA conventions.  These photos can include members, fish, activities, speakers, exhibit rooms, Saturday banquet, etc..   Please submit your digital photos of good to excellent quality, and a caption identifying the year of the annual convention the photo was taken.  If you have slides or hard copy photos as might be the case in older conventions please let me know.  I’ll work with you on scanning and digitizing the photos for our website.  Credit will be presented of the photographer in the album’s details.
  • A photo of Jim Robinson past KHY recipient for our KHY history page.
  • A photo of Charles Minnemeyer past KHY recipient for our KHY history page.
  • Bios of key members lost over the past several decades.

Thanks for any help you can provide us to support the AKA history.

Respectfully Submitted, Jim Langan, AKA Webmaster