American Killifish Association, Member Forums
General Category >> Old World (non annuals) >> Fundulopanchax avichang

Message started by Bruce Sussman on Apr 19th, 2018 at 10:29am

Title: Fundulopanchax avichang
Post by Bruce Sussman on Apr 19th, 2018 at 10:29am
A question about the binomial name for this species: I realize that 'avichang' comes from the local Fang language (meaning, 'small') but why does the  binomial name not end in a Latin or Greek suffix as all others do, with either an "a", "ae", "i", "es", "us", "is", "ion", "um" etc.? This is not the first species with a name derived from a  local language but I can think of no other that does not end in a Latin/Greek suffix.

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