Show Rules for Wisconsin Area Killifish annual show

  • There are 15 show classes, each with a 1st , 2nd and 3rd place trophy
    Class - 1: All Other New World         Class - 9: Chromaphyosemion
    Class - 2: Non-annual Rivulins         Class - 10: Rollofia: e.g.; Call., Arch., & Script.
    Class - 3: Removed         Class - 11: Aphyosemion, diapteron
    Class - 4: Nothobranchius         Class - 12: Aphyosemion, kathetys
    Class - 5: Fundulopanchax (except garderneri)         Class - 13: Aphyosemion (all other)
    Class - 6: Fundulopanchax (garderneri)         Class - 14: Epiplatys
    Class - 7: Mesoaphyosemion (except calliurum)         Class - 15: All other Old World
    Class - 8: Mesoaphyosemion (calliurum)          WAKO Show Class Genera (abbreviations)

  • Special awards are: Best of Show, Reserve Best of Show, Peoples Choice Award

  • Deadlines:

    Show Registration:
