Instructions for Proxy Bidding
Bidding List
- Email your list of fish you want WAKO to bid on for your behalf to Gary Sutcliffe. Put “WAKO Proxy” Bid as the subject. Include the following:
- Each species including location and maximum bid
- Your name and shipping address
- Phone number
- If possible, use our Proxy Bid Form
- We will not be able to accept any bidding lists or changes after 2:00 PM CST Saturday before the auction.
- Payment must be received before the start of the auction on Sunday.
- PayPal to (best method)
- Mail check payable to Wisconsin Area Killifish Organization
C/O Gis Gasior
6420 S. 116 St.
Franklin, WI 53132
Write "Proxy Bid" in the check memo line so it gets applied properly.
Include your email address if you want a quick confirmation we received it.
Allow plenty of time for USPS delivery
- Payment via PayPal is encouraged
Excess will be refunded
Refunds for payments made by PayPal will be refunded first
Payments made by check will be refunded by check in about a week
- Be sure to include extra for shipping, a minimum of $50.00 is recommended for next day USPS Express shipping.
Because of extremely long shipping USPS delays causing significant fish fatalities; Priority shipping is no longer an option.
- Fish will normally be shipped out the next day.
Bidding on your fish
- A WAKO member will bid on your behalf, trying to get the best price, but we will not go over the amount you specify
- WAKO can’t guarantee the fish you buy. A knowledgeable WAKO member will attempt to inspect the fish before the auction.
If there is any doubt about the quality of the fish, we will err on the side of caution and not bid.
Additional suggestions
- In general, the simpler your instructions, the better chance we will be able to get you fish.
- We don’t control the order of the fish being auctioned. We will bid on fish in the order they are auctioned. If you specify
something like “Species A, but if you can’t get that, get Species B,” it is possible Species B comes up first.
We won’t bid on Species B since Species A is still up for auction, and you might not have the winning bid on Species A when it
comes up, which means you get no fish.
- If you would like more than one pair of a given species, list the fish multiple times. Example:
- Species A $25
- Species A $20 (second pair)
- Be sure you have the fish spelled correctly. We suggest you do a copy and paste from the auction fish list web page
- If you don’t specify a location for a pair of fish, we will bid on any location for that species.
- Most auctions have some common fish at bargain prices at the end of the auction. It is a good way to get new
genes in your fish room. If you want us to use some of your remaining funds for this, put them at the end of the
list under Bargain Fish. Example: Bargain Fish – any Fundulopanchax $10