Plataplochilus miltotaenia Lambert 1963

Plat.miltotaenia Lambarené. Male.
Photo courtesy of Ed Pürzl.

Meaning of Name


First Description















  • Lambarené

Male collected in Gabon.
Photo courtesy of Ed Pürzl.

Plat.miltotaenia Lambarené. Male.
Photo courtesy of Ed Pürzl.


Type Locality



See the History section. Sympatric sp. include A.striatum.

Distinguishing Characteristics
Colour/Pattern Variability Unknown. They are distributed over a fairly large area but few photos or reports exist to determine variability. Pürzl reported collecting in 1985 in a couple of points approx 60km apart but no differences could be observed.

Probable first introduction to the hobby in 1976. At this time it was found south of Lambaréné not far from the type locality.
Collected by Ed Pürzl et al in 1985 in points 150km apart.
They collected at NR (National Road) No.5 near Engong Kouame in a stream flowing into the Mbe River. This stream was reported as being 2m wide with a stony bottom with Anubias growing along the sides. The sp. was found in large numbers.'The body of the fish glowed in all shades from pale blue to purple, depending on how the light fell on them'.
Fish were found in schoals of 10-20 mid stream. Water depth at this point was 20 cm.The fast flowing water was 24°C, very soft & slightly acid.
Collected at a point 40km south on NR1 a branch road was taken to the southwest for 20km to a point the vehicle could go no further. At this point they fished a fast flowing stream which crossed the road. Collected males measured up to 55mm with females slightly smaller. Sympatric sp. at this point were A.escherichi, Neolebias ansorgii, Ctenopoma kingsleyi & Barbus sp.

Breeding Notes

Eggs are attached to plants etc by means of a polar filament. Females lay only 2-3 eggs daily but the spawning season can be lengthy. Incubation takes 15-18 days & the newly emerged fry can swim immediately.
It has been reported that fry can die in the egg during incubation. First foods for fry should be Infusoria or vinegar eels. The fry are surface feeders so vinegar eel is a good food as they stay near the surface.

Ed Pürzl reports them spawning in cracks of roots & bark & coined the phrase 'fissure spawners'. This is a similar method in Lamprichthys in Lake Tanganyika.
Ed reported taking eggs off daily. Fry hatched 12 - 14 days later & hatched at 6mm long. Fry go to the surface & take newly hatched brine shrimp as a first feed. Fry tanks should be kept very clean & uneaten food removed straight away. Fry grow slowly (very). Sexual maturity is attained in 5 months.
For sex ratio Ed found males dominate. Females commonly die at sexing out. They turn pale, then slowly white. Ed considered this to be Tuberculosis caused by lack of pristine water quality.
Ed maintained these fish for at least 8 years at the time of writing the article (1993).

Diameter of Egg 1·6 mm
1·5 mm (Pürzl)

It should be noted that this sp. is found in fast flowing water which suggests high oxygen content & virtually zero disolved metabolic wastes so zero nitries & nitrates. Basically treat them as you would Tanganyikan cichlids & water change regularly.

Even wild fish will accept dried foods so they are not too fussy on diet. Newly hatched Brine Shrimp are a favorite feed.

Reference - BKA Newsletter No.338, November 1993.