
Photo courtesy of Alan Green

None known
This population appeared in the UK in the decade of 2000 - 2010. Please see the notes section.
Typical anal fin without bars but has heavy red spots. This is common on mamfensis populations.

In a Google Earth search this location is not found but a location on Uki Hills is found on the Nigeria/Cameroon border which is where I would expect to find this fish given the usual anal fin markings common to this subspecies. I do not say that this is the actual location though.

In January 2013 I had an e-mail from Jörg Rückle, Germany -
'I can give you the info from first hand. A friend of mine Mr. Thomas Schulz (pilot of the Lufthansa airline) flies for several times to Nigeria. I stay with him for three days in 1999 there also, we collect in the Lagos area and we where able to bring several Chromaphyosemion biteaniatum populations back to germany for example the Yemoji and Ibeju Creek strains and others. In 2008 he stays for the last time in Nigeria, and collected in the Abuja area, where he was able to find a Fundulopanchax near the village of Uke, approximatelly 30 - 40 km south east of Abuja. I wrote a short article about this in DKG Journal 42(1):23-24, 2010'.