Code Index

VAB 2018

Group consisted of Peter Venstermans, Joris Aerts & Bogaerts. Cameroon 2018.
Codes follow on from VAB 2016 collection.
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VAB 18 / 35
A.obscurum, A.exiguum, E.sangmelinensis
Mbaligui - Other fish Enteromius sp., Microctenopoma nanum, Parauchenoglanis sp., Clarias sp., Mormyridae, shrimps.
VAB 18 / 36
A.cameronense, A.exiguum
Other fish Enteromius jae.
VAB 18 / 37
Malenboulou - Other fish Microctenopoma nanum, Mastacembelus sp., Mormyridae
VAB 18 / 38
A.sp. aff.cameronense PT3, A.exiguum
Mbouma (same location as VAB 2016/12). Other fish Enteromius jae, Enteromius camptacanthus, Neolebias trewavasae, Parauchenoglanis, shrimps.
VAB 18 / 39
A.sp. aff.cameronense PT3, A.exiguum
Mekotto - Other fish Microctenopoma nanum, shrimps.
VAB 18 / 40
A.cameronense, A.kunzi
Karagoua - Other fish Enteromius jae, Microctenopoma nanum, Neolebias trewavasae.
VAB 18 / 41
A.cameronense, Epiplatys sp.
Bincole - Other fish Enteromius jae, Neolebias trewavasae.
VAB 18 / 42
Alati - Other sp. Shrimps.
VAB 18 / 43
Alat -
VAB 18 / 44
A.cameronense, A.exiguum
Other sp. Enteromius jae
VAB 18 / 45
(same as VAB 16/16). Other sp. Enteromius jae
VAB 18 / 46
A.exiguum, A.batesii, Micropanchax camerunensis
Epiplatys sangmelinensis
Avebe Esse - (same as VAB 2016/17). Other sp. Microctenopoma nanum, Parananochromis caudifasciatus,
Enteromius jae, Neolebias trewavasae
VAB 18 / 47
A.cameronense, A.sp. aff. herzogi, A.exiguum
VAB 18 / 48
A.sp. aff. cameronense
VAB 18 / 49
A.sp. aff. cameronense
Ondong Adjap (same as VAB 2016/23) - Other sp. Enteromius jae, Enteromius camptacanthus, shrimps
VAB 18 / 50
Essak Ngoazik
VAB 18 / 51
Minyin - Other sp. Enteromius jae, Neolebias trewavasae, Microctenopoma nanum
VAB 18 / 52
A.cameronense, A.sp.aff.herzogi
VAB 18 / 53
Nsessoum (same as VAB 2016/22)
VAB 18 / 54
Boumnyebel - Other sp. Benitochromis batesii, Enteromius camptacanthus
VAB 18 / 55
A.sp. aff. cameronense PT9
Minlongo (same as VAB 2016/24) - Other sp. Microctenopoma nanum, Enteromius camptacanthus, shrimps.
VAB 18 / 56
A.sp. aff. cameronense
Manguengues - Other sp. Microctenopoma nanum, Enteromius camtacanthus
VAB 18 / 57
(same as VAB 2016/25)
VAB 18 / 58
Camp pionnier Ndjoré II - Other sp. Enteromius camptacanthus, Microctenopoma nanum
VAB 18 / 59
A.obscurum, A.sp.aff.raddai
Ndonken (same as VAB 2016/30) - Other sp. Microctenopoma nanum, shrimps
VAB 18 / 60
Mandoga (same as VAB 2016/31) - Other sp. Shrimps.