A code erected by Alan Green & myself
from the initials of our names (Tim Addis,
Alan Green).
We did this to avoid confusion with the usual CI codes used in commercial shipments,
which is where we have originally found them.
This list covers all codes over the period of years since it was erected. This
code was considered justified in light of the amount of fish found in imports
& distributed to the conservation network.
Basically, Alan finds these fish in wild imports & cleans them up, where
I put them into the conservation project (IKCP)
& handle breeding & distribution.
TAAG 2000 / 1 | A.cognatum |
TAAG 2002 / 1 | Rivulus sp.aff.rubrolineatus |
TAAG 2002 / 2 | Epiplatys fasciolatus |
TAAG 2002 / 3 | Scriptaphyosemion geryi |
TAAG 2002 / 4 | Poropanchax normanni |
TAAG 2003 / 1 | Rivulus sp. Rio Pichana |
TAAG 2003 / 2 | Fundulopanchax arnoldi |
TAAG 2003 / 3 | Fundulopanchax deltaensis |
TAAG 2003 / 4 | Aphyosemion bitaeniatum Lagos (Also distributed as 'TAAG Red') |
TAAG 2003 / 5A | Aphyosemion sp. bitaeniatum Lagos |
TAAG 2003 / 5B | Aphyosemion sp. bitaeniatum Lagos |
TAAG 2003 / 6 | Aphyosemion calliurum |
TAAG 2003 / 7 | Epiplatys bifasciatus |
TAAG 2003 / 8 | Epiplatys longiventralis |
TAAG 2003 / 9 | Pseudepiplatys annulatus |
TAAG 2003 / 10 | A.elberti |
TAAG 2003 / 11 | A.loennbergii |
TAAG 2003 / 12 | A.poliaki |
TAAG 2003 / 13 | Riv.rectocaudatus |
TAAG 2004 / 1 | Epiplatys grahami |
TAAG 2004 / 2 | Rivulus atratus |
TAAG 2004 / 3 | Rivulus 'in a bottle' |
TAAG 2004 / 4 | Rivulus from Colombian Shipment |
TAAG 2004 / 5 | Epiplatys togolensis |
TAAG 2004 / 6 | Aplocheilus panchax Bangkok |
TAAG 2004 / 7 | Aphyoplatys duboisi |
TAAG 2004 / 8 | Adamas formosus |
TAAG 2004 / 9 | Aphyosemion sp.labarrei |
TAAG 2004 / 10 | E.chevalieri |
TAAG 2004 / 11 | E.spilargyreius |
TAAG 2004 / 12 | A.cognatum |
TAAG 2004 / 13 | A.calliurum |