Code Index

RL 82 (Same as EP 82)

Collected by Vollrad Etzel & Wilfried Pütz, November 1982 in Liberia.

RL 82 / 64 - Firestone Plantation Script.liberiensis, E.fasciolatus tototaensis, Cal.monroviae
RL 82 / 65 E.fasciolatus tototaensis, E.dageti monroviae, Cal.monroviae
RL 82 / 66 E.barmoiensis, E.dageti monroviae, Aply.normani
RL 82 / 67 - Bong Mine E.fasciolatus tototaensis
RL 82 / 68 - Bong Mine E.fasciolatus tototaensis
RL 82 / 69 - Mange Town E.fasciolatus tototaensis
RL 82 / 70 - Mange Town E.fasciolatus tototaensis
RL 82 / 74 E.barmoiensis, Aply.normani
RL 82 / 75 - Jaloka Town Ps.annulatus, E.barmoiensis, E.fasciolatus tototaensis, Aply.spilauchen
RL 82 / 76 - Saja Town E.fasciolatus tototaensis, Aply.spilauchen
RL 82 / 77 - Konola E.fasciolatus tototaensis
RL 82 / 78 E.fasciolatus tototaensis
RL 82 / 81 Entry to LAC Plantation. E.fasciolatus tototaensis
RL 82 / 82 - Modebli E.fasciolatus tototaensis, E.dageti monroviae, Aply.nimbaensis
RL 82 / 83 - Modebli E.fasciolatus tototaensis
RL 82 / 84 E.fasciolatus tototaensis
RL 82 / 86 E.dageti monroviae, E.olbrechtsi puetzi, Aply.nimbaensis
RL 82 / 87 - Yanwehn E.azureus, E.fasciolatus tototaensis, E.barmoiensis, E.dageti monroviae, E.olbrechtsi puetzi
RL 82 / 88 - Tienii Script. liberiense
RL 82 / 89 - Tienii E.fas.fasciolatus
RL 82 / 91 4km from the exit to Robertsport. E.fas.fasciolatus
RL 82 / 93 - Benduma Collected 17th November 1982 between 11.45 & 12.30 hrs. Stream near Benduma, 2 metres wide & 50 cm deep. Water was clear & slightly tea coloured. Banks densely covered in herbs & not easy to access. Some 10 metres beside the stream a palm grove stands in swampy ground which is described as 'gluey & greasy'. Here the water is 10 cm deep. Lots of thorny palm leaves in the water. Script.brueningi (with 'shiny red vertical bars') , Aply.normani, E.fas.zimiensis
RL 82 / 94 - Banjala E.fas.zimiensis
RL 82 / 95 - Banjala E.fas.zimiensis
RL 82 / 96 - Lofa Bridge E.fas.zimiensis
RL 82 / 97 - Gbarma Ps.annulatus, E.dageti monroviae, Epiplatys fasciolatus tototaensis
RL 82 / 98 - Bomi Hills Epiplatys fasciolatus tototaensis
RL 82 / 99 - Near Voinjama Collected 19th November between 16.45 & 17.15 hrs, 12 miles from Voinjama. Stream, 1 metre wide & 50 cm deep flowing into a rice paddy field on the right side of the road. In the rice field water was no more than 10 cm deep. At the edge of this field Arch.guineense were collected. These were described as being 'shiny, yellow/green'. This colour weakened in aquaria. E.roloffi was not found in this field. Epiplatys roloffi, Arch. guineense
RL 82 / 106 Arch. jeanpoli, Nimbapanchax viride
RL 82 / 110 - Fatuh ? I am guessing this is Fatuh based on research. E.coccinatus, Rhexipanchax nimbaensis, (Nimbapanchax leucopterygius, Nimb.maeseni ?)
RL 82 / 113 Arch.maeseni, Epiplatys olbrechtsi
RL 82 / 116  

Codes in this trip are from RL 82 / 64 - 116

Collections below designated code 'EP 82'. No numbers shown in lists.

Monrovia Pseudepiplatys annulatus - Distributed as 'Harbel'
Monrovia Epiplatys dageti


References - AKA Journal July/August 1993 & DKG Journal May 1993