PEG 95
Collected by Wolfgang Eberl & Guido Passaro December - January 1995, Gabon
PEG 95 / 1 | E.neumanni |
PEG 95 / 2 | E.neumanni |
PEG 95 / 3 | E.neumanni |
PEG 95 / 4 | E.neumanni |
PEG 95 / 5 | E.neumanni |
PEG 95 / 6 | E.neumanni, A.punctatum |
PEG 95 / 7 | Toumbi I / II, 28kms south of Mazingo |
PEG 95 / 8 | Ramba II on the PK 10 east of Koulamoutou. E.neumanni, A.aff.punctatum. |
PEG 95 / 9 | Forest stream 6 kms west of Mékambo. The collectors were shown the stream by an elderly man on the 29th December at 10.30 am. This stream was called the Mékéndé & was situated at the village of Baya Mbéla. E.neumanni, A.punctatum, Diapteron seegersi, Hylopanchax sp. Sketch maps appear in BKA newsletter No.370, July 1996. |
PEG 95 / 10 | A.punctatum |
PEG 95 / 11 | Matot. A.punctatum, A.batesii |
PEG 95 / 12 | Epiplatys sp. |
PEG 95 / 13 | Epiplatys sp. |
PEG 95 / 14 | Odjala on the PK 50 between Okondja & Makokou |
PEG 95 / 15 | A.lamberti |
PEG 95 / 16 | A.rectogoense, E.boulengeri |
PEG 95 / 17 | Nganda, PK 17 Franceville to Boumango. A.pyrophore |
PEG 95 / 18 - Maloundou | A.ogoense |
PEG 95 / 19 | A.pyrophore |