LEC 93

Collected by Oliver Legros,Wolfgang Eberl & André Cerfontaine, January 1993, Gabon.

LEC 93 / 1 - Laboka II, From Libreville & Ndjolé, 12kms east of Lalara on the road to Ovan & Makokou. Collected 7th January 1993. Villagers took the collectors 2·8kms west of the village & 1km along a trail into the forest. Stream was 30 cm wide & 5-20 cm deep A.cameronense (did not survive the trip so not returned to Europe), One male A.herzogi
LEC 93 / 2 - Koumaméyong. Collected 8th January at about 10 am on the east side of the road. Distance to the N4 between Lalara & Makokou is 400 metres. A.sp.aff.cameronense Phenotype 5, D.georgiae, Ctenopoma sp, barbs (2), characin.
LEC 93 / 3 - Ebé. Nkogh'essy stream about 200 metres northeast of the village. 48kms east of Koumaméyong & 8kms west of Ovan. Pap in Wildekamp's book of 1981 mentions A.maculatum coming from this village but this species could not be found. A.cameronense (found in large numbers of all sizes).
LEC 93 / 4 - Near Ebé, 12kms from Ovan on the road to Koumaméyong. Also fished what the villagers considered Pap's collecting place G80 some 400 metres west of the end of the village. A.maculatum, large numbers of barbs, characin, tadpoles, shrimps & water insects.
LEC 93 / 5 - 14km west of the end of the tarmac road surface near Makokou, Ebéssi A.cameronense, D.cyanostictum, E.neumanni, Ctenopoma sp, Mormyridae sp.
LEC 93 / 6 - 39km west of Makokou, Adoue. In the stream Otong Etougé A.cameronense, D.georgiae, A.punctatum, E.neumanni
LEC 93 / 7 - 48·5km west of the end of the tarmac road at Makokou on the N4, Benaire River. Between the villages of Ebegna & Ebandak. Stream crossing the road. Stream is reportedly 100-150 metres (This could be a typing error) wide & 40 cm deep. Collected 9th January at 4 pm. Water temperature 24°C, pH 6·3, 1°dGH, conductivity 30µ. A.sp.aff.cameronense Phenotype 7 (females outnumbered males - no yellow in unpaired fins), A.batesii (1 male only), D.fulgens, A.punctatum, E.neumanni, barb, characin, Mastacemballus sp.(1), shrimps.
LEC 93 / 8 - 55km west of the end of the tarmac road surface near Makokou in the Mévomé stream near the village of Bissobilam. Villagers call this location PK 54 Makokou. Collected in Mevomé stream. Collected 10th January. Stream was clear, very small & shallow with a muddy bottom. A.cameronense (more females than males), A.punctatum (more numerous)
LEC93 / 9 - 60km west of the end of the tarmac road surface near Makokou. East of the village of Afoumadzo A.cameronense (not brought back to Europe), D.fulgens, E.neumanni
LEC 93 / 10 - 64 kms west of the end of the tarmac road near Makokou A.cameronense (one male only), D.georgiae, E.neumanni (both these species were numerous).
LEC 93 / 11 - 5km west of Ovan near the village of Ayol. Collected on 10th January in the Méyang stream A.cameronense, D.cyanostictum (3 males & 1 female collected).
LEC 93 / 12 - East of Souganlam. Collected 10th January at about 2 pm. Stream used as a washing place. Shallow stream about 30 cm wide. A.sp.aff.cameronense Phenotype 5, Silurus sp., small barb.
LEC 93 / 13 - Small tributary of the Tô near Oveng, The timber export company Chantier Forester. Collected in the worker settlement about 1km west of Oveng in a channel 50 cm wide & a few cms deep. A.cameronense (numerous of all sizes but not brought back to Europe), Episemion callipteron
LEC 93 / 14 - In the Bidon stream between Engué & Essong (Essong-Ville). Collected 12th January at 9 am. 14kms west of the outskirts of Mitzic on the road to Sam. Water temperature 21·5°C, pH 5·7 (?). 0°dGH, conductivity 14µ. A.sp.aff.cameronense Phenotype 8, Barbus spec.aff.jae, plus a large number of small shrimps.
LEC 93 / 15 - 48kms west of the outskirts of Mitzic in the direction of Sam. Stream that crossed the road. This road runs parallel to the Afoum. A.cameronense, Barbus sp, Characins & shrimps.
LEC 93 / 16 - 500 metres west of the customs house at Sam on the border with Equatorial Guinea. A.cameronense
LEC 93 / 17 - 51kms west of Sam between the villages of Afaf 51kms west of Sam between the villages of Afaf Zok & Oboui. Stream crossing the road. A.cameronense
LEC 93 / 18 - Collected on 12th January 1993 at 5pm. This is the same locality as Huber's JH 76/53. Water temperature 23·2°C, pH 5·7, nitrite 0·5. Brought back to Europe & distributed. A.mimbon
LEC 93 / 19 - The Fini stream near Avang to the west of the village, 35kms west of the outskirts of Médouneu. Local villagers call this place PK 36, Médouneu. Collected 13th January 1993 at 7 am. Water temperature 20·9°C, electrical conductivity 18µS, pH 6·3, total hardness 0 dgh. A.mimbon, A.spec,aff.herzogi, Barbus jae, Silurus sp., characin.
LEC 93 / 20 - Near Assok. Collected 13th January at about 10 am. From Médouneu to the northern outskirts of Assok. A bridge over a stream which flows into the Binguilé.
LEC 93 / 21 - Collected 13th January at about 10.30 am. The Binguilé stream crossing the southern outskirts of Assok on the N5. From Médouneu this is 79kms which is only 3kms from the previous location. Distributed in the hobby from the 14 fish collected. A.sp.aff.cameronense Phenotype 6
LEC 93 / 22 - Song. Same location as Huber's G 76/50 (GJH or JH). Collected 13th January at about 1 pm. A.sp.aff.cameronense Phenotype 6 (only 1 male collected), A.sp.aff.herzogi (common)
LEC 93 / 23 A.sp.aff.herzogi, A.alpha
LEC 93 / 24 - 27·8kms north east of Kougouleu. (Small river, 2·5 km north of Nzog Bizeng towards Engong Kouam crossing the road) A.microphtalmum, A.(Chromaphyosemion) sp. # 5, E.singa
LEC 93 / 25 - PK 16·3 km to Cap Esterias A.australe, A.herzogi
LEC 93 / 26 - PK 17 km to Cap Esterias A.australe, A.(Chromaphyosemion) sp. (This was later described as A.alpha by Huber in 1998) # 2, E.sexfasciatus
LEC 93 / 27
LEC 93 / 28 - PK 19km to Cap Esterias (Road from the airport of Libreville (Hotel Gamba) to Cap Esterias, Gabon) A.microphtalmum
LEC 93 / 29 A.striatum, E.sexfasciatus
LEC 93 / 30  
LEC 93 / 31 - Billy A.halleri


Faszination Killifische. Die Aphyosemion cameronense Gruppe. Dadaniak, Lütje & Eberl.