Lambo, Marschitz, Martin, Cameroon 1995

CLMM 95 / 1 Kumba to Tombel Conductivity 84 µS, pH 8·16, temperature 26·4°C
CLMM 95 / 2 5 km from Mungo river to Kumba. A.celiae, E.sexfasciatus, Procatopus sp. Conductivity 112 µS, pH 8·2, temperature 26·3°C
CLMM 95 / 3 Mile 29 - Pinda village. A.poliaki, E.sexfasciatus, Procatopus sp. Conductivity 221 µS, pH 7, temperature 23·2°C
CLMM 95 / 4 Bombe. Bouea - Muyuka. A.splendopleure, E.sexfasciatus, Procatopus sp. Conductivity 34 µS, pH 6·92, temperature 25·8°C
CLMM 95 / 5 No data.  
CLMM 95 / 6 Muyuka. A.splendopleure, E.sexfasciatus, Procatopus sp. Conductivity 241µS, pH 8, temperature 24 C
CLMM 95 / 7 Near Mbinjong in the direction of Mamfe. Procatopus aberrans, Fp.gardneri mamfensis Conductivity 34 µS, pH 7·5, temperature 24·4°C
CLMM 95 / 8 Cross river drainage near the Nigerian border. Procatopus sp. Conductivity 134 µS, pH 8·13, temperature 27·5°C
CLMM 95 / 9 Pungu (Bouea, small stream, in the direction of Douala). E.sexfasciatus Conductivity 170µS, pH 6·48, temperature 28·8°C
CLMM 95 / 10 Matomb, small Creek at the junction of main street. A.obscurum Conductivity 25µS, pH 6·65, temperature 25°C
CLMM 95 / 11 Stream about 15 kms from Edéa Conductivity 42 µS, pH 7·37, temperature 25·7°C
CLMM 95 / 12 Pouma, on the main road. A.loennbergii, E.sexfasciatus Conductivity 28·9 µS, pH 7·37, temperature 25·7°C
CLMM 95 / 13 Bonandique. Procatopus sp, A.(Chromaphyosemion) sp. Conductivity 21µS, pH 6·73, temperature 26°C
CLMM 95 / 14 Enda River, Bounepoupa towards Yabassi. A.riggenbachi Conductivity 28·3 µS, pH 7·09, temperature 27·3°C
CLMM 95 / 15 Bounepoupa (5km after crossroad Doula - Yabassi - Edea, Douala). A.(Chromaphyosemion) sp., E.sexfasciatus, E.grahami, Procatopus sp. Conductivity 25 µS, pH 5·75, temperature 26°C
CLMM 95 / 16 Mbongo River, Ndonga. A.(Chromaphyosemion) sp., E.sexfasciatus, Poropanchax scheeli Conductivity 10 µS, pH 5·6, temperature 25·7°C
CLMM 95 / 17 Molive River. A.splendopleure, E.sexfasciatus, Procatopus sp. Conductivity 198 µS, pH 9, temperature 26°C
CLMM 95 / 18 Binda, Molive River. Conductivity 156 µS, pH 7·76, temperature 27·1°C