Code Index

CBL 01

Cameroon, Buisson, Lambert.
Collected by Olivier Buisson & Patrice Lambert , KCF in 2001. Cameroon.
My thanks to Olivier & Patrice for help & permission in putting this information in the website.

CBL 01 / 1 - Yop, PK 16·5 Mbalmayo - Sangmélima.GPS - N3°28.709' E11°38.615' 14th Feb.2001. 9h26. pH 5. A.exiguum, Microctenopoma nanum, Clarius, grenouille (splash ?), Hymenochirus.
CBL 01 / 2 - Memgbwa, Mfouladja River, N.Sangmélima. GPS - N3°12.385' E11°47.755' 14th Feb.2001. 10h41. pH 6. A.batesii, A.exiguum, Microctenopoma nanum, Ctenopoma maculatum, Nannochromis caudifasciatus, Barbus jae, Nannaethiops unitaeniatus, Mormyre, shrimps, Macrobranchium.
CBL 01 / 3 - Kamelon I, Ndjombo River, S.Sangmélima. GPS - N2°54.701' E12°00.865' 14th Feb.2001. 15h17. pH 6·5. A.exiguum, E.sangmelinensis, Microctenopoma nanum, Barbus jae, Nannocharax fasciatum, shrimps, Macrobranchium.
CBL 01 / 4 - Kamelon II. GPS - N2°54.186' E12°01.471' 14th Feb.2001. 15h49. pH 6. A.exiguum, Barbus jae, Nannaethiops unitaeniatus. 500 metres from the head's house from Sangmelima & 200 metres down a small slow flowing brook.
CBL 01 / 5 - Ndjantom, Otokom River, S.Sangmélima. GPS - N2°50.950' E12°01.639' 14th Feb.2001. 16h30. A.exiguum, A.cameronense. A small slow flowing brook.
CBL 01 / 6 - Sangmélima - Djoum. 15th Feb.2001. A.batesii, A.exiguum, A.cameronense, Nannochromis caudifasciatus, Barbus jae, Nannaethiops, Mormyre, Phractura, Mastacembellus, shrimps, Macrobranchium.
CBL 01 / 7 - Sangmélima - Djoum. 15th Feb.2001.A.exiguum, A.cameronense.
CBL 01 / 8 - Libi River, Sangmélima - Oveng (N178). 15th Feb.2001. 15h16. A.cameronense, A.batesii.
CBL 01 / 9 - Mendong, Sangmélima - Mbalmayo. GPS - N3°05.766' E11°52.056' 16th Feb.2001. 9h40. pH 5. A.exiguum, Microctenopoma nanum, Clarias, Xenope (grenouille( splash ?)).
CBL 01 / 10 - Ndog Bong 15 km east of Mouanko. GPS - N3°44.988' E9°52.482' 18th Feb.2001. 10h04. pH 6·5. Micropanchax macrophtalmus, E.infrafasciatus, Chromaphyosemion sp.aff.splendopleure, Polycentropsis abbreviata, Ctenopoma kingsleyae, Alestes sp., Neolebias sp., Hemichromis elongatus, Chromidotilapia sp. Pelvicachromis pulcher (?), Nympea, Anubias.
CBL 01 / 11 - Bénengué, Mongo River, near Mouanko. 600 metres before the Mouanko sign. GPS - N3°40.551' E9°47.844' 18th Feb.2001. 13h24. pH 6·5. Chrom.sp.aff.splendopleure, Mic.macrophtalmus, A.ahli, E.infrafasciatus, Polycentropsis abbreviata, Channa sp., Eleotride, Cichlid sp., Nymphea lotus, Crinum, Anubias.
CBL 01 / 12 - 4 km east of Mouanko. GPS - N3°41.463' E9°49.349' 18th Feb.2001. 14h08. E.grahami, Chrom. sp. Characin sp, Nympea.
CBL 01 / 13 - Nkakanzok, 8 km east of Edéa on the left of the road. GPS - N3°46.689' E10°11.969' 18th Feb.2001. 16h43. Chrom.loennbergii, Mormyre.
CBL 01 / 14 - Song Ndong, 15 km west of Edéa. GPS - N3°48.501 E10°14.949' 18th Feb.2001. 17h14. pH 7. F.amieti.
CBL 01 / 15 - Sipe, near Koukoué, 9 km south of Edéa. GPS N3°42.344' E10°06.408' 19th Feb.2001. 9h09. pH 6. E.infrafasciatus, Chrom.sp., Alestes sp.,
CBL 01 / 16 - Fifinda (stream is called Fifinda). 19th Feb.2001. 9h52. Procatopus nototaenia (2 males & 3 females survived the trip back), Pelvicachromis taeniatus.
Collected north of the Lokoundjé in a stream called the Fifinda in February 2001. This is in the Lokoundjé drainage. Collected under the bridge on the road between Douala & Kribi in the Stream Fifinda. This is actually a large stream/river which flows directly into the sea.
Upstream from the bridge the river forms an area 6 metres wide with a small waterfall filling it. As it drains this area the width decreases & rapids are formed. Numerous plants grow between the rocks - Crinum natans, Anubias sp., Bolbitis heudelotii. Downstream no plants grew. Base consisted of dark gravel. Water was brownish, GH virtually zero, pH 6·5, no temperature recorded.
The area was in full sun.
Sympatric species included Chromidotilapia aff.finleyi, Pelvicachromis taeniatus, E.infrafaciatus.

Also in this drainage P.similis is found & this is regarded as a border area between the 2 species.
CBL 01 / 17 - Fifinda I, Chef's Spring (opposite the head's house). GPS - N3°13.643' E10°01.421' 19th Feb.2001. 11h23. Chrom.sp., A.ahli, E.infrafasciatus, Nymphea lotus.
CBL 01 / 18 - Makouré I, 33 km Kribi - Lolodorf. GPS - N3°03.038 E10°08.238' 19th Feb.2001. 14h41. pH 6·5. Chrom.loennbergii, A.ahli, E.infrafasciatus zenkeri, Chromidotilapia, shrimps.
CBL 01 / 19 - Bidou, 19 km east of Kribi, Mpolongo River. GPS - N3°00.372 E10°03.111' 19th Feb.2001. 16h18. Chrom.sp., A.ahli, E.infrafasciatus (baroi), Microctenopoma nanum, Pelvicachromis taeniatus, Chromidotilapia sp.
CBL 01 / 20 - Kumba - Beau. GPS - N4°26.952' E9°28.151' 23rd Feb.2001. 10h23. A.calliurum, E.infrafasciatus.
CBL 01 / 21 - Mile 29. 23rd Feb.2001. 13h00. Chrom.poliaki.
CBL 01 / 22 - Ekona. GPS - N4°12.506' E9°19.880' 23rd Feb.2001. 13h24. Chrom.poliaki.
CBL 01 / 23 - Ekandé, 500 metres south of Bolifamba. GPS - N4°08.019 E9°18.342' 23rd Feb.2001. 14h19. Chrom.poliaki.
CBL 01 / 24 - No data
CBL 01 / 25 - Tiko. Two water holes on the left of the road near the entrance to Tiko in the direction of Douala. GPS - N4°05.773' E9°22.387' 24th.Feb.2001. 12h16. Chrom.splendopleure.